PSCouchDB: Advanced CLI for CouchDB server

It is fast, easy to use, intuitive and allows you to work with objects.

PSCouchDB server operations
PSCouchDB database operation
PSCouchDB database operation

Work on database

You can use these commands and many more to control and manage your databases.

PSCouchDB document operation
PSCouchDB document operation

Create, modify and delete document...simply.

The documents are the basis of the data in CouchDB server. With these commands you can manage what you want.

PSCouchDB design document operation
PSCouchDB design document operation

Complex design is simple!

Creating complex views and validation documents will be a breeze!

PSCouchDB Object Oriented Programming
PSCouchDB Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming

This module has some predefined objects that represent the various CouchDB documents. Customizing these items is really simple.